A visit to RHS Wisley near Woking just outside London on 28th June 2013, one of my favourite gardens for edibles spotting….I’m resurrecting this album which I only posted on Facebook at the time.
Allium dichlamydeum, Coastal onion from California was eaten by the Pomo (Kashaya) first peoples
Allium dichlamydeum, Coastal onion from California was eaten by the Pomo (Kashaya) first peoples
Wisley’s Allium set trial: this was before I discovered that many of the ornamental onions are also of the best edimentals, like Persian Shallot (Allium stipitatum)
Allium umbilicatum; native to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and Tajikistan
Allium umbilicatum; native to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and Tajikistan
Allium umbilicatum; native to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, and Tajikistan
Allium acuminatum; It is found in the Western United States and Canada. It has been reported from every state west of the Rocky Mountains, plus British Columbia. The bulbs were Onions eaten raw, boiled or pit baked by numerous first peoples including the Salish, Thompson and Paiute peoples. One interesting record is for eating the seeds (Seeded heads placed in hot ashes for a few minutes, seeds extracted and eaten; Paiute)
Several of the Alliums I saw were wrongly identified. This isn’t beesianum but probably Allium nutans, angulosum or similar species
This is not Allium caesium either – this is Allium cyathophorum farreri…the big Allium impostor!
This is also not Allium mairei (not) – again Allium cyathophorum farreri
Allium cristophii
Allium gomphrenoides, a Greek endemic
Allium roseum is wild collected for food in Libya
Allium roseum is wild collected for food in Libya
Allium hollandicum Purple Sensation is a species of cultivation and is closely related to some wild edible bulb onions, so worth trying!
Garlic in the vegetable gardens
Labelled Allium unifolium
Aralia elata aureovariegata, this species is an important vegetable in the Far East!
Asparagus setaceus from South Africa has edible shoots
Bistort / Ormerot; important ingrediens in Easter Ledge poudding from northern England (young shoots; see my book); the flower shoot is also good to eat…
Calabrese trial
Calochortus spp – important traditional North American food plant
Japanese Plum Yew, Cephalotaxus harringtonia fastigiata has edible fruit
Cornus kousa chinensis “Schmetterling” has curious edible fruits
Cornus kousa
Cornus kousa
Cornus Venus is a cross between Cornus kousa and Cornus nuttallii.
Courgette trial ground
Crambe maritima at the front of this ornamental border!
Crambe maritima, Sea Kale / Strandkål and forcing pots
Cymbaria muralis “Alba”, a minor edible but bitter.
Drimys andina…as I walked pass a small guided tour passed and the leader told that the leaves were used as pepper and offered a taste saying that the strong taste lingered for a long time…she was right; A native of Chile and Argentina
Eleutherococcus sieboldianus “Aureovariegatus” is a great edible shrub; one use related by my friend Kyle: On the fiveleaf aralia – for the first time. I prepared it in the traditional Japanese way of boiling for a short period, then chopping and mixing with rice. This is known as “ginseng rice” in Japan, and was a traditional way of adding nutrition to a rice meal, especially during famine. I would describe the flavor as “bittersweet”, almost exactly half bitter and half sweet” (see more on my Edimentals FB group)
Erythronium trial: see my blog post about how Erythroniums are used for food around the world: https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=9442
Erythronium trial plants
Gunnera tinctoria, now banned in the UK, it is just as edible for that! The leaf stems are used in the national dish of Chile and the peeled stems are tasty and thirst quenching raw!
Gunnera tinctoria, now banned in the UK, it is just as edible for that! The leaf stems are used in the national dish of Chile and the peeled stems are tasty and thirst quenching raw!
Allium schubertii is wild collected for food in Turkey
Jerusalem Artichoke / Jordskokk in the vegetable garden
Hosta “Blue Mouse Ears”. For the new range of mini perennial veg perhaps?
Hosta “Masquerade” – all Hostas are probably edible
Hosta, one of my favourite perennial vegetables – see my book and blog!
Hosta fortunei “Striptease” – all Hostas are probably edible
Hypoxis hemerocallidea / African Potato is an important South African medicinal
Lettuce “Rushmoor”
I thought this was a grass on first glance, but it’s Lavandula “Grosso”, lavender /lavendel
Lilium hansonii: one of the lily species used for food in the Far East (edible bulbs)
Lilium hansonii: one of the lily species used for food in the Far East (edible bulbs)
Grafted tomatoes
Ostrich Fern /Strutseving in the woodland garden: delicious and nutritious perennial veg – see my book for more information (Matteuccia struthiopteris)
Ostrich Fern /Strutseving in the woodland garden: delicious and nutritious perennial veg – see my book for more information (Matteuccia struthiopteris)
Onion “Vulcan”
Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, Bath Asparagus; see my book for more
Persicaria (Polygonum) alpina
Runner Bean / Blomsterbønne trial
Phlomis tuberosa
Magnificent Puya chilensis, mostly known as a fiber plant, but very young shoots can be eaten in salads according to PFAF.org