I was shocked and saddened to hear the other day that Tim Harland from my publishers Permanent Publications (PP) and Permaculture Magazine died unexpectedly on 30th September. He was such a lovely man…and just as they had started their new life…
Although he didn’t suffer, those who knew him and remain on this wonderful planet that he worked so hard for are the ones to suffer………
I remember the last time I met Tim and Maddy when they attended a talk I gave in Alton, Hants, invited by the Curtis Museum, part of the Sea Kale story in my book (see https://www.edimentals.com/blog/?p=10962)! Commiserations to Maddy and colleagues.
Tim kindly drove me home to my parents’ in Chandlers Ford afterwards.
Tim kindly drove me home to my parents’ in Chandlers Ford afterwards.
I’ll lift a glass to Tim’s memory…what a lovely person he was!
Picture of Tim with the first books at PP HQ below; he was my main contact at PP during the publishing process.
See also appreciations at https://www.facebook.com/PermacultureMag

See also appreciations at https://www.facebook.com/PermacultureMag

Life seems so unfair.
I have not met the Harlands, but am always pleasantly surprised when I read Maddy’s introduction to each Permaculture magazine, how she manages to touch the exact spot to capture a whole concept, emotion or zeitgeist.
I can’t imagine the distress of losing someone like Tim, so suddenly
My deepest sympathies to all who had the good fortune to know him
How wonderful to have shared conversations to remember
Best wishes,