My attention was drawn today to two articles in which my word Edimentals featured (made up in the late 2000s):
“Edimental plants that are both edible and ornamental have emerged as a star of the Chelsea Flower Show.”
The article from the Daily Telegraph about this year’s Chelsea Flower Show can be read in the 3 pictures!
The second article had actially been published last year on the BBC Food site. Here’s the link to “The low-maintenance edible garden for lazy gardeners” which both mentions Edimentals and credits me with the word!

The second article had actially been published last year on the BBC Food site. Here’s the link to “The low-maintenance edible garden for lazy gardeners” which both mentions Edimentals and credits me with the word!

This is so cool. We saw on BBC London the 80%-edibles garden transplanted, after the CFS, to a school garden. The kids love the garden. It was fantastic also because it is calm, largely low maintenance & drought resistant, too. Most handy since most schools have no gardener & only volunteers or one care-taker during the summer holidays.
I made a list of edible perennials including many edimentals for a school forest garden project here in Trondheim a year or so ago. I’m currently translating it to English for a permaculture group working with kids in my home town (Eastleigh, Hants). I will probably make it available for anyone on my blog when it’s done.