I also walked around the outside gardens during my visit to the Gothenburg Botanical Gardens on Saturday 25th January 2020. In the mild weather, there were many people out walking and running in the garden. Here’s an album of pictures of edibles and other interesting plants and a video of the large Actinidia arguta in the Asiatic woodland garden.
Hotell Krypinn: a great insect hotel Cornus mas flower buds swelling Hemerocallis shoots Hemerocallis fulva var littorea Ficaria verna (Lesser celandine / vårkål) Yucca filamentosa “Color Guard” is a great edimental! (Edible flowers, shoots and fruits) Magnolia stellata “Centennial” (the buds may be edible like other Magnolias) Flowering Hamamelis (witch hazel) Fertile fronds of ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris) Crambe cordifolia buds Eleutherococcus setchuenensis: A family / genus with many edible plants, but no ethnobotanical information on this one Eleutherococcus nodiflorus: A family / genus with many edible plants, the root is recorded stewed with chicken in China Serratula coronata var insularis (the young shoots of this species is recorded eaten in China, but the bitterness is first boiled / soaked away) Claytonia parviflora from North America (I haven’t tried this species) Smilax rotundifolia (edible shoots) Cardamine californica (all parts are edible) January flowering Rhododendron dauricum Zanthoxylum piperitum (Japanese pepper, sansho) Acanthopanax koreanum: A family / genus with many edible plants, but no ethnobotanical information on this one Lonicera caerulea var kamtschatica already in leaf Polypodium vulgare (sisselrot, sweet fern) The world famous Gothenburg Rock Garden Garden art on a dead oak tree which is also beneficial for insects by UK artist Stuart Ian Frost Garden art on a dead oak tree which is also beneficial for insects by UK artist Stuart Ian Frost Cyclamen (leaves of some species are eaten) I also visited the greenhouses for the first time, but that will have to be a separate post
Gymnospermium albertii Gymnospermium albertii Colchicum atticum Colchicum doerfleri Colchicum triphyllum Iris reticulata Colchcum atticum Iris danfordiae Crocus siehanus Crocus sieberi Hyacibnthus transcaspicus Corydalis ledebouriana Iris reticulata “Sunshine”C Colchicum mirzoevae