On my way north from Vienna to Oslo, I found myself unexpectedly with a 4 hour wait in Gothenburg in Sweden, and there was no hesitation to visit one of the great botanical gardens. I had no idea what there would be to see in January but with the mild winter I was surprised how much there was to see. Here are a collection of wierd and wonderful edibles in the unique bulb house!
The bulb house is unique with open sides Lomatium canbyi (Canby’s biscuitroot) was used by native americans in the Pacific NW and North California! Lomatium canbyi (Canby’s biscuitroot) was used by native americans in the Pacific NW and North California)! Claytonia rosea (Madrean or Rocky Mountain springbeauty) grows in dry pine and oak woodland in USA Viola trinervata (from NW USA) Young shoots of Cymopterus planosus (Rocky Mountain springparsley); Cymopterus is a genus of native american food plants. I grow C. sessiliflorus, failed with planosus Scorzonera spp. Lomatium nudicaule (pestle parsnip) is also used by native americans and is one of the easiest to grow. Lomatium ciliolatum (Yolla Bolly biscuitroot) is endemic to California Tropaeolum polyphyllum (soldadito grande de la cordillera; meaning great soldier of the mountains) Tropaeolum polyphyllum Megacarpaea gigantea in the Brassicaceae is in a genus with at least two important edible plants. This one is from Central Asia. Crocus kotschyanus is one of several species where the corms are used for food (in Turkey)