I travelled yesterday from the PDC course at Hurdal Prestegård (rectory) to another rectory in Ringebu in the Gudbrandsdalen about 3 hours north by train! I was invited by KVANN (Norwegian Seed Savers) member Halldis Myhre Tvete to give a talk on perennial vegetables and edimentals to the gardening group (hagegruppa på Ringebu Prestegården)!
I was very impressed by the garden which the largely voluntary gardening group have created since 2006 from an overgrown garden with just a few original plants such as the Ringebu rose!
Most of the plants are Norwegian heritage plants, including a large collection of historical roses, berry and fruit trees, hops, Dahlias and herbs!
The view from the garden is also spectacular looking down and north along the green glacial river (Gudbrandslågen) and the neighbouring Ringebu Stave Church!
Looking north along Gudbrandslågen
The rectory, the oldest parts of which are from the 1730s!
The rectory, the oldest parts of which are from the 1730s!
The rectory, the oldest parts of which are from the 1730s!
Old historical perennials
Halldis Myhre Tvete was my guide!
Halldis says “..and here’s the vegetables” as we approach a long border of Hostas with historical roses
Many of the roses had informative signs with historical details, this one from Finland
A common local form of rhubarb has undulating leaves
Poisonous Veratrum (confusion species for Hosta) with seiersløk (Allium victorialis) from Lofoten!
Wild burdock (borre)
The spire of Ringebu stavkirke
A collection of roses after Norway’s most prolific rose breeder
Hemerocallis (daylilies)
A white flowered Rosa rugosa hybrid
Halldis told me that this is probably the Rosa rugosa (tomato rose) with largest hips
Despite the drought, it’s a good year for apples (last year was very bad as in Hurdal)
Collection of berry bushes, including white, red and black variants of redcurrant…The black variety (svartrips) was apparently an old variety hereand different from the black redcurrant I have, which is a different species (Ribes petraeum bibersteinii). This variant has large berries! A bed with Vossakvann (Voss Angelica) line Bordalen will be planted in this area next year!