We’re now going into a period traditionally called the hungry gap, but in my eyes it’s the Full gap, the period with an abundance of vegetables, both perennial wild and cultivated edibles. Yesterday’s dinner was a ryotto (risotto with rye rather than rice). In the last few days, many of these early spring permaveggies have put on a growth spurt! I photographed most of the ingredients in the garden first.
Garden harvested perennial veggies (apart from horseradish at top right, blanched inside for the delicious shoots)
Horseradish / pepperrot blanched inside for the delicious shoots
Indoor seed sprouts (sown in earth for larger yield): Alfalfa / lusern; Wild buckwheat / bokhvete; Oxalis tuberosa (oca shoots) and pea /ert shoots
Ryotto with carrots and Jerusalem artichokes, dried tomato, chili and golpar spice (ground seed of Heracleum persicum / Persian Hogweed / Tromsøpalme)…delicious and home (Norwegian grown) apart from the potatoes!