I gave a lunch time talk today for staff at Artsdatabanken (the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre) in Trondheim…I gave a choice of 3 titles that I couldn’t decide on, so I used all 3: “If you can’t beat them, eat them”, “Aliens in the Gourmet Kitchen” and “Svarteliste godsaker” (blacklisted goodies)…
After lunch, there was a presentation from 4 students who had won a prize for developing a web site (not up yet) for providing recipes for invasive species…on my suggestion, they secured the web address invasivore.no!!!
My last slide…suggestions for increased “grazing” of invasives! NB! Svarteliste festival mean “Noxious plant festival” They liked my proposal for Beitelag (inntekter) heller enn sprøytelag (utgifter) meaning Establish “Foraging teams (income from sales) rather than spraying teams (expenses only)”
The chefs had prepared various dishes for lunch with ingredients from my garden including two invasives (sadly not veggie): Nutty Himalayan balsam (kjempespringfrø) seed (on the meat) and Heracleum seed used as a spice in the soup!