On the 4th day of the Norwegian Seed Savers weekend (6th May 2019), the traditional spring walk along the Homla river and canyon was on the programme with the hope to find ostrich ferns at the right stage to pick. In the cooler parts near the river, it was too early and too late away from the river. Nevertheless, everyone who wanted to picked a few fiddleheads!
It was as usual a magical walk which took some of us 8 hours to complete….as there was so much to see and enjoy!
Thanks to all the participants who also provided pictures: Berit Børte (third time participant), new steering commitee member Bernhard Askedalen, Elin Mar (from Røst), Inger Line Skurdal Ødegård, Meg Anderson and Tina Lambert!
Ostrich Fern Paradise:
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New viewpoint and boardwalk replacing the slippery and eroded path down to the waterfall
Fern roots
Bernhard Askedalen tells us about the ecology of Symrebeger or Anemone cup (Dumontinia tuberosa), parasitic on wood anemone (hvitveis)
Symrebeger or Anemone cup (Dumontinia tuberosa) is parasitic on wood anemone (hvitveis)
Symrebeger or Anemone cup (Dumontinia tuberosa) is parasitic on wood anemone (hvitveis)
Alternative leaved golden saxifrage / maigull
Rumex spp.
Rumex spp.
Grynløpekule /Deer truffle or Common False Truffle….favourite food of wild boar! I spotted this in the middle of the eroded path!!
A red variant of Rumex acetosa…I must dig a bit and see if it retains its red colour in cultivation
Sitka (sitkagran) needles
Magical as usual ostrich fern paradise!
Magical as usual ostrich fern paradise!
There are many other edibles growing alongside the ostrich fern in this spot including Stachys sylvatica (hedge woundwort / skogsvinerot) edible rhizomes (but hardly worth the effort!
…and alternative leaved golden saxifrage / maigull
Pictures from Saturday’s 5 km (almost 4 hours with all the stops) walk along the Homla river canyon from Storfossen (this area’s second highest waterfall) to the sea at Hommelvik! As usual, a memorable trip!
We were joined for the weekend by Amandine Faury from France, a new student of Agroecology at Ås, on her way to a hiking holiday in Lofoten!
Kidney vetch (fjellsyre) is found along the river
Another mountain plant, not previously registered this low down in Malvik was found by the waterfall: Thalictrum alpinum
Very little water in the river!
Ostrich fern
Ostrich fern
Ostrich fern
Cicerbita alpina
Mountain queen (fjelldronning)
Campanula latifolia (eaten for lunch!)
Eirik Lillebøe Wiken and the giant ostrich fern!
Kidney vetch (fjellsyre)
Taraxacum eirikii (Eirik proclaimed this one to be a new species) ;)
Eirik Lillebøe Wiken poses at the famous permaveggies course ostrich fern patch!
A demonstration wood for growing quality alder wood for furniture!
Pictures from this week’s 5 hour (botanist pace) walk along the spectacular Homla canyon, the start about 14 km from home!
Ostrich fern (strutseving) had already come too far in most places, but in the cooler air next to the river and in places where the snow lies late, they were perfect for harvestingth the warm weather, the ostrich fern (strutseving) had already come too far to harvest, but other places on the banks of the river and where snow lies longer
Wood anemones (hvitveis)
Ostrich fern (strutseving) emerging from river spring flood silt deposits
Ostrich fern (strutseving) emerging from river spring flood silt deposits
Ostrich fern (strutseving) emerging from river spring flood silt deposits
A particularly luxuriant patch of ostrich fern
A particularly luxuriant patch of ostrich fern
Wild salad gathered for lunch on the Homla walk this week, including giant bellflower (storklokke), alpine bistort (harerug), Viola spp., red and green leaved sorrel (engsyre), Rumex longifolius, raspberry (bringebær) shoots, wood sorrel (gjøksyre), lady’s mantle (marikåpe), stinging nettle (brennesle), young leaves of Cirsium palustre, coltsfoot (hestehov, don’t use much as it contains alkaloids) and dandelion (løvetann)
Wild salad gathered for lunch on the Homla walk this week, including giant bellflower (storklokke), alpine bistort (harerug), Viola spp., red and green leaved sorrel (engsyre), Rumex longifolius, raspberry (bringebær) shoots, wood sorrel (gjøksyre), lady’s mantle (marikåpe), stinging nettle (brennesle), young leaves of Cirsium palustre, coltsfoot (hestehov, don’t use much as it contains alkaloids) and dandelion (løvetann)
As part of Trondheim’s climate festival, which runs all this week, Naturvernforbundet (Friends of the Earth Norway) arranged a tour to experience first-hand a couple of remnants of old forest in Malvik! We learned more about the need to preserve more old forest in Norway, to extend the size of existing reserves and the importance to change the way we manage the forest as soon as possible to bind as much carbon as possible! Today’s clearfelling practices need to be changed to more ecologically sound methods.
We learned how to spot old forest remnants from afar, that about 80% of the carbon is below ground level and that only about 3% of the forest in Norway is over 160 years old, although the amount of old forest is now on the rise. We also visited Storfossen on the Homla river and talked about the spray zone around the waterfall where several rare lichens and mosses can be found. The forest along the river in this dramatic canyon-like landscape was finally protected by law last year: http://malviknytt.no/2015/12/11/homla-naturreservat-vernet-i-dag
It was a very interesting day thanks in particular to biologist Arnodd Håpnes from Naturvernforbundet in Oslo who lectured and asked questions from the well attended tour participants together with Martin Stuevold from the local group who are pushing the plans for protecting the forest locally and also Jan Erik Andersen from Fylkesmannen who also informed about the complicated process of trying to protect more forest…
Martin Fagerheim Stuevold, leader of Naturvernforbund in Malvik (and neighbour) started with an introduction on the new plans being pushed by the local group for creating more forest reserves in Malvik
Arnodd Håpnes showed how we could see old forest from a distance. An uneven skyline like here on Jervfjellet demonstrates a mix of ages and species of trees.
Entering the first forest area that is proposed protected. This area is close to the ski trails in Malvik (on the road from Jervskogen to Hønstad) and an area that I’ve passed many times in winter. I’ve registered different woodpecker species in this area including Grey woodpecker / gråspett.
The uneven age of the trees is evident here.
Arnodd’s lecture on forest and climate
The second walk was the steep walk down to the mighty Storfossen on the Homla..
The waterfall was impressive after all the rain on Saturday
Lars Refseth from the local group
Martin Stuevold, Arnodd Håpnes and Jan-Erik Andersen (from Fylkesmannen)
We were in the spray zone!!
Telling about the importance of the spray zone around the waterfall for the diversity of the plant life and the strong gradients caused by the humidity
Arnodd and Steinar Nygaard of the Trondheim group of Naturvernforbund
As usual, the highlight of these weekends is the incredible walk along the river Homla just 20 minutes from home with large quantities of Ostrich Fern along the way, truly one of Norway’s most beautiful plants and also most delicious!!
Storfossen (literally large waterfall!), the second highest waterfall at 40m in our region (Trøndelag). There’s a total fall of 80m in 3 waterfalls. If you’re lucky you can see salmon trying to climb the lowest of the 3!Participants showering in the drizzle from the waterfall stood in awe of this wonderfull sight, so close to Trondheim, but hardly known! We saw only a handful of other people on the trail in 4 hours!
We found a few fungi. This is Fomitopsis pinicola / rødrandkjuke
Basidioradulum radula (Tannsopp), earlier classified with the Hedgehog fungi!
Christian thinking about going for a swim?
Happy participants, HIGH on nature and wild food!Happy participants, HIGH on nature and wild food!This dandelion was collected as it had a good mild taste!Ostrich fern / StrutsevingOstrich fern / StrutsevingOne of the confusion species that shouldn’t be eaten! With Anemone nemerosa (wood anemone / hvitveis) and Chrysosplenium alternifolium (Golden saxifrage/maigull)Roof garden!
There’s a lot of up and downs along the 4 hour walk (with stops) from Storfossen to Hommelvik!
Everyone stopped in awe again at this beautiful rich stand of ostrich ferns which had come much further than in the cold air by the riverWe found this Swede communing with the ferns…Berit had a go too…next year we will have a group ostrich fern hug I think!
Hidden among the ferns are other edibles like nettle / nesle and giant bellflower (Campanula latifolia)
Fomitopsis pinicola / rødrandkjuke
The field horsetail/ common horsetail / kjerringrokk / (Equisetum arvense) is another sign of spring. The plant is known as sugina (杉菜) in Japanese, literally “cryptomeria vegetable”, possibly from the appearance of the green stems. The fertile stems at the stage shown are known as tsukushi (土筆). The ideograms literally mean “soil brush”, based on their shape. A common foraged vegetable in spring!! DON’T plant it in your garden, it is one of the most invasive plants on open land! BUT, one shouldn’t use large amounts…this is a spring vegetable used in a short period in spring!!Knuskkjuke (Fomes fomentarius) is the tinder fungus used to start a fire!Upon returning home we made a green pasta sauce with ostrich ferns (cooked for 15 minutes), Hablitzia shoots, Norrlands onion (see my book) for all 3), soaked dried chantarelles, organic tomatoes, garlic, chili, seasoned with cuban oregano, bay leaves and served over a choice of hemp pasta and emmer wheat pasta from Etikken in Trondheim!
Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden