Tag Archives: red squirrel

Best to keep your distance

It’s best to keep your distance when there’s a red squirrel nearby.  Given the chance, a squirrel will take birds.
With bramblings (bjørkefink), tree and house sparrows (pilfink og gråspurv).

Birds in the garden 13th February 2018

1. Nuthatch and Great spotted woodpecker atop a spruce tree

2. My handsome grey red squirrel disappears up the tree with a grunt

3. I had a  rodent visitor in the night on the balcony on the second floor outside my bedroom…it had climbed up through the Clematis

4. Redpolls with several others

5. Long-tailed tits

6. Bully Robin!


Grey red squirrel

An attractive grey  “red squirrel” was in the garden this morning; it was 6 years ago I had a squirrel in the garden!!

My new “job” and office: a dream come true!!

I always dreamed of working in a botanical garden and somehow my wish has come true only 7 months after retiring from job as an ocean wave climatologist!
Even better, I can come and go as I wish (more or less)…I now have an office where I will be able to document and tend (in summer) my onion garden, as visiting researcher :)
…and the staff are lovely people too :)
090118: Wren foraging and joined by a second bird120118:  It’s quite a few years I’ve seen two-barred crossbill (båndkorsnebb), but then I’ve never deliberately sought them out at Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim which, because of its collection of conifers, is one of the best places to see this species, the less common of the 3 crossbills here…only one female with a single common or parrot crossbill…
 090118: Wrens (gjerdesmett):

120118: What are these redpolls (gråsisik) feeding on?:

120118: Magpie (skjære):

120118: Dark red squirrel (ekorn):

090118: Fieldfare:

090118: Blackbird under Ribes alpinum