Tag Archives: Nuthatch

Suddenly it’s spring

With the huge shift in temperature this week, spring is suddenly here and several bird species are now singing in the garden: blue tit (blåmeis), great tit (kjøttmeis), greenfinch (grønnfink) and, down in the bay about 20 goldeneyes (kvinand) have been displaying. Yesterday, for the first time, I heard singing woodpigeon, bullfinch and this great spotted woodpecker (flaggspett) drumming on the metal cap of the electricity pole:

..and this nuthatch (spettmeis) was inpecting what I have in offer for nesting sites. The oldest painted bird boxes predate my time here and were put up for starlings (stær) originally.

Birds in the garden this week

Sitting quietly working in the garden and there’s always something new that happens…see here!

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Birds in the garden 13th February 2018

1. Nuthatch and Great spotted woodpecker atop a spruce tree

2. My handsome grey red squirrel disappears up the tree with a grunt

3. I had a  rodent visitor in the night on the balcony on the second floor outside my bedroom…it had climbed up through the Clematis

4. Redpolls with several others

5. Long-tailed tits

6. Bully Robin!


Birds in the garden 7th February 2018


Marsh tit (løvmeis)

Yellowhammers (gulspurv), part of a flock of 11 birds with a brambling (bjørkefink)

Hawfinch (kjernebiter) with nuthatch (spettmeis) at the end!

Bird diversity in snow

Fieldfare (gråtrost) in snow


Two nuthatches (spettmeis) on the bird feeder this morning with a short guest appearance of a male chaffinch (bokfink) :) See the video below! A dark morning here, the sun has now set until it rises again around 14th January! Only secondhand sun now clipping the tops of the trees on Malvikodden:

Bird paradise!

It’s about as like winter England as it gets here this morning, grey and drizzling….so nice to have a flock of 17 goldfinches (stillits) brightening up the day and lots of other birds too!

Hawfinch (kjernebiter)

Robin (rødstrupe) with brambling (bjørkefink)
There was also a flock of 100 waxwings feeding in the garden, nuthatches and a treecreeper…Malvik is bird paradise at this time of year!

The nuthatch and the hazelnut

Breakfast in the garden and a nuthatch (spettmeis) was dealing with a wild hazelnut in the birch tree above me :)

Garden birds weekend 11th-12th February

P1700905 P1700910 P1700914 P1700916


Yellowhammer (gulspurv)

Yellowhammer (gulspurv)

Nuthatch (spettmeis)

Female blackbird (svarttrost), my first this winter, much less common than males

Female blackbird (svarttrost)