Tag Archives: Hooded crow

Hoodies struggle against the wind

With a polar low (polarlavtrykk) on its way, hooded crows (kråker) struggled on their way in to the roost this evening against the wind:


Hoodies and pussy willows

Grain eaters

With 40-50cm of snow in the farm fields, grain-eating birds are desperate for food. Today, some 30 yellowhammers (gulspurv) and many hooded crows (kråke) and jackdaws (kaie) were at the bird feeder where I’d put out some grain this morning!

Beach Walk 30th December

Jackdaw acrobatics

A flock of some 150 jackdaws were having fun this morning playing acrobatics in the wind!

Large jackdaw flocks

With the mild weather and bare patches on the fields, it’s good times again for the crow family…it seems that, by the over 300 jackdaws (kaie) counted resting in the bay before flying into the roost a km or so west of here on Friday and 250 flying over this afternoon, that overwintering hasn’t been so bad after all!
The flock on Friday was the lagest registered this year in our area!


1 and 2.  Part of a flock counted from videos of 310 Jackdaws (kaie) resting in the bay on 23rd March with about 100 hooded crows (kråke)

3.  A large flock of about 250 Jackdaws flew over this afternoon 

Crows and oats

Put out some oats in the garden and the crows are there in a few minutes! Hooded crow and magpies!