Tag Archives: dawn

Night Train from Bodø

The night train from Bodø passing the house, approaching its destination Trondheim, at 7 am this morning.

The wild dawn call of the Curlew

I am so fortunate every year to hear the song of the curlew (storspove) singing in the bay from early April and through most of the summer, sometimes overhead too. Sadly, there are no lapwings (vipe) any more, but at least one pair of curlew is here. But, there are no definite breeding records from the whole of Malvik kommune ever (no young birds, eggs or nests observed)..so where do they breed? This video is from 4:40 this morning! You can also here both great tit (kjøttmeis) and redwing (rødvingetrost)

Dawn and dusk

At this time of year dawn and dusk coincides for several hours and there’s no sun-up and sun-down again until after11th January; this is the most beautiful time of year. This morning the beauty didn’t last long as the storm and sleet showers moved in from the west!
The video shows the sun illuminating part of Forbordsfjellet on the other side of the fjord.

Dawn on 20th May 2018

Woken at 4:15 by a newly arrived garden warbler (hagesanger)  (or is it just a blackcap?) singing at full throttle in the garden (sorry about the focus, I was half asleep and didn’t notice!). A few minutes later the sun rose as fishermen motored out onto the still fjord.