I thought the berry season was over with the frosts at the end of October, but with the air temperature in November so far above 0c I was able to harvest a few last blackberries (the bush has started flowering again) and 4 raspberries! Various pollinators had also emerged from hibernation including two hoverflies.
I’ve been observing edimentals liked by the bees over the last week…and the winners are the following genera: Allium, Cirsium, Papaver, Trifolium, Dictamnus, Knautia, Campanula, Codonopsis and Aquilegia
I only need to find the time to get out Tor Bollingmo’s (Norwegian) book and attempt to identify the bee species!
Cirsium erisithales, yellow melancholy thistle
Allium cernuum
Allium cernuum
Cirsium erisithales, yellow melancholy thistle
Allium hymenorhizum
Cirsium erisithales, yellow melancholy thistle
Opium poppy
White clover
Dictamnus albus
Dictamnus albus
Cirsium eriophorum, woolly thistle
Field scabious, Knautia arvensis (rødknapp)
Field scabious, Knautia arvensis (rødknapp)
Allium cernuum
Allium cernuum
Ligularia fischeri and white-lipped snail
Ligularia fischeri
Opium poppy
Opium poppy
200718: Not so good for us is that the good weather has lead to an explosion of the wasp population…on Hylotelephium (Sedum), Autumn stonecrop
200718: Wasp on Hylotelephium (Sedum), Autumn stonecrop
200718: Bee on Hylotelephium (Sedum), Autumn stonecrop
200718: Bee on Hylotelephium (Sedum), Autumn stonecrop