Tag Archives: Blackbird

Waxwings on apples

Waxwings (sidensvans) have arrived here in numbers with about 70 in the garden today! Most of their favourite berry, rowan (rogn) had gone by the time they arrived due to the large flocks of thrushes that were here a week ago (mainly fieldfares, redwings and blackbirds / gråtrost, rødvingetrost og svarttrost). They had opened up quite a few apples near the tops of the trees before they moved on, and now the waxwings are enjoying them – they luckily don’t try to open other apples, so that there are still many for us! We’ve been harvesting the last few days, but still a lot near the tops of the trees that are difficult to reach even with the apple picker!


Fieldfare migration

With Covid a long way from being over, I’m wishing I was a bird! We probably won’t be visiting family in the UK this winter and this morning there were some 50 fieldfares (gråtrost) and a few redwings and blackbirds feeding on rowan berries in the garden and above I could witness thousands of thrushes passing the house towards west. On some autumn days thrushes will stream past all day in the same direction, maybe following the fjord. The weather chart shows perfect flying conditions with light north easterly winds between Norway and the UK, so I’m thinking these are bound where I can’t go…

Dramatic Spring Days

You appreciate the sunny spring days much more when you have a couple of days of blizzards in between….our resident robin, blackbird and
chaffinch were back singing today! First the day train to Bodø passing.


Nice to wake up to a blackbird (svarttrost)in full song this morning.  The first week in April is pretty much always when they start singing here!

A great tit (kjøttmeis) can also be heard. There are at least 3 territories in the garden and surrounding gardens this year. 
Also this week, curlews (storspove) have started singing in the bay and highlight of the week was a goldfinch (stillits) singing in the garden. It moved around and sang in the 3 different places…sadly, it didn’t return yesterday. It seems that goldfinches have started colonising this area as a breeding bird with single breeding records the last 3 years.

Blackbird greeting

Blackbirds (svarttrost) are still shy forest birds here, so I was surprised that this one came to greet me this morning right outside my home office!

27th January birds in the garden

Robin and Blackbird

Both  of  these thrushes, European robin (rødstrupe) and blackbird (svarttrost)  overwinter in small numbers, mainly in the lowlands here.

More birds in the garden; 5th January 2018

1.  Blackbird (svarttrost) and great spotted woodpecker (flaggspett)

2. Bullfinches (male and female; dompap) on plum buds (not too happy with this), there were 8 birds altogether….hopefully they won’t do too much damage… :(

3. Fieldfare (gråtrost) on apple

My new “job” and office: a dream come true!!

I always dreamed of working in a botanical garden and somehow my wish has come true only 7 months after retiring from job as an ocean wave climatologist!
Even better, I can come and go as I wish (more or less)…I now have an office where I will be able to document and tend (in summer) my onion garden, as visiting researcher :)
…and the staff are lovely people too :)
090118: Wren foraging and joined by a second bird120118:  It’s quite a few years I’ve seen two-barred crossbill (båndkorsnebb), but then I’ve never deliberately sought them out at Ringve Botanical Garden in Trondheim which, because of its collection of conifers, is one of the best places to see this species, the less common of the 3 crossbills here…only one female with a single common or parrot crossbill…
 090118: Wrens (gjerdesmett):

120118: What are these redpolls (gråsisik) feeding on?:

120118: Magpie (skjære):

120118: Dark red squirrel (ekorn):

090118: Fieldfare:

090118: Blackbird under Ribes alpinum

Garden birds weekend 11th-12th February

P1700905 P1700910 P1700914 P1700916


Yellowhammer (gulspurv)

Yellowhammer (gulspurv)

Nuthatch (spettmeis)

Female blackbird (svarttrost), my first this winter, much less common than males

Female blackbird (svarttrost)