The St. George’s mushrooms (vårfagerhatt) come up every year under the old birch tree next to my sitting place in the garden. They weren’t really growing much more in the heat and drought, so they were harvested for a little lunch stir-fry with fresh asparagus and the last of the heirloom shallots (Finland) from storage.
Tag Archives: Asparagus
Norwegian quinoa and swamp greens medley
13th June 2020 perennial greens were stir-fried and served with quinoa and served with Allium ursinum flowers.
Allium validum (swamp or Pacific onion) with flower shoot
Saxifraga pensylvanica (swamp saxifrage)
Gunnera tinctoria
Asparagus officinalis (asparges)
Crambe maritima (sea kale / strandkål broccolis)
Perennial kale “Walsall Allotments” (flerårig kål)
Campanula latifolia (giant bellflower / storklokke)
Aster macrophyllus (big-leaf aster)
flowering shoots of various Russian Rumex acetosa cultivars (sorrel / engsyre)
The greens were stir-fried with chili and garlic and served with Norwegian organic quinoa with ramsons (ramsløk) flowers:
Wild “Asparagus” for the king and queen’s 80th birthdays?

Bath asparagus has a mild but different taste but can be used like a wild asparagus! Originally the word asparagus is derived from a word meaning simply “spring shoot”.
Jan Lein, northernmost Asparagus pioneer
As part of my project for the Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre documenting and collecting old Norwegian vegetables, I received a tip about a retired farmer, Jan Lein, who had supposedly grown asparagus commercially on Tautra (, a historic island which I can just see from my house on the other side of the Trondheimsfjorden. The fact that the island is surrounded by relatively warm water in winter makes for a mild climate and early spring. The island and surrounding area is known as Trondheim’s vegetable garden!
I called Lein and agreed to meet him at his house on 17th October 2010. I met a really nice man who was proud of his pioneering work with asparagus on Tautra which he believed started in the early 1960s. He told me that he even grew organically with seaweed as fertiliser and he grew white asparagus by mounding the plants with earth. In his house, there were a number of pictures on the walls of his vegetables, including asparagus! The plants themselves derived from seed bought from Leuthens Seed Catalogue in Trondheim. He sold on the market in Trondheim for a number of years until his local production was outcompeted by imported asparagus Her grew about 12-13 different vegetables at that time!
Jan showed me this plant nearby which was one of the original plants
RIP Jan Lein, the northernmost Asparagus grower in the world?
The pictures below were photographed on his wall:
Stavanger and around
Thanks very much Tone Lise :)
Resonating with asparagus in Oslo…..

Just before the start of my first course for MAJOBO on Tuesday, I decided to change my first picture to something of local relevance! This is Oslo’s oldest asparagus bed, perhaps as old as 100 years as explained in the following article!
In another one of these resonant moments, who should be amongst the 20 participants than the owner of this very garden, Lars Mjøset :) He walked in just after I took this picture!