AROUND THE WORLD IN THE EDIBLE GARDEN; Part 2 – Korea Inviting you to the second in a series of dinners from Malvik’s Edible Garden where we “forage” from different parts of the world! We don’t often eat oily food, but now and again its great and this meal was exceptional! From top left and clockwise: Ligularia fischeri Dystaenia takesimana (Giant Ulleung celery, seombadi) Aralia cordata (udo) (blanched for dipping and green for tempura) Phyteuma (should have been japonica, but I used nigra; svartvadderot) Allium victorialis subsp platyphyllum (victory onion; seiersløk) Aralia elata (devil’s walking stick, fandens spaserstokk) Hosta “Frances Williams” Hemerocallis dumortieri (flower shoots) (dayliliy, daglilje) Parasenecio hastatus (also the first time I ate this one and it was delicious, but I wouldn’t advise eating a lot: see here Matteuccia struthiopteris “Jumbo” (ostrich fern; strutseving) Taraxacum albidum and to the right of this: New Zealand spinach and Serratula coronata (also a first for me; the subspecies insularis is eaten in the Far East) Oplopanax horridus (North American species substituting Asian species Oplopanax japonicus or Oplopanax elatus) More information with the pictures!
The closest I got to white flowered Korean dandelion, this is Taraxacum albidum from Japan.
Taraxacum albidum; large up to 7cm flowers!
Taraxacum albidum
Blanched udo (Aralia cordata)
Blanched udo (Aralia cordata)
Blanched Hosta sieboldiana “Frances Williams”
Ligularia fischeri
From top left and clockwise: Ligularia fischeri, Dystaenia takesimana, Aralia cordata (udo) (blanched for dipping and green for tempura), Phyteuma (should have been japonicum, but I used nigra), Allium victorialis, Aralia elata, Hosta “Frances Williams”, Hemerocallis dumortieri (flower shoots), Parasenecio hastatus (also the first time I ate this one and it was delicious, but I wouldn’t advise eating a lot: see here, Ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), Taraxacum albidum and to the right of this: New Zealand spinach and Serratula coronata (also a first for me; the subspecies insularis is eaten in the Far East)
Peeling the blanched udo for dipping
Allium thunbergii from the Far East was used in the dipping sauce
The last group of tempurised veg!
We improvised dinner on the floor (the dining room table is my office!), the only thing missing was the Soju!
Dipping blanched Hosta! DELICIOUS!! The dipping sauce was made with 6T of soy sauce, 3T of water, 1T of apple cider vinegar, 1T of sesame oil, pepper, 1 crushed garlic clove, chili and green onions (Allium thunbergii)
Dipping blanched udo (Aralia cordata)
Last minute addition (there was enough food for two days), I remembered these Oplopanax horridus or devil’s club shoots. Although this is a North American species, there are closely related species in the Far East: Oplopanax japonicus and Oplopanax elatus
Last minute addition (Oplopanax horridus or devil’s club)
My trip to Japan in early spring 2016 was perfectly timed to witness one of the wonders of the Japanese spring, the mass flowering of katakuri (Erythronium japonicum; Japanese: 片栗), a pink-flowered species trout lily or dog’s tooth violet. Thanks to Kevin Cameron for inviting us along on a hike with a local walking club out of Nagoya! The bulbs were in the past used as a source of starch, the leaves and flowers also being eaten (but shouldn’t be wild harvested nowadays as some sources consider it as endangered). I’ve never seen so many people out flower watching, so many cameras trained at the flowers…a bit like twitchers watching some rare bird….we could call them flitters perhaps!
We took the train from Nagoya to Kanigawa station in Kani city on the edge of Nagoya’s urban sprawl, then walked to Yunohana hot springs spa and market on the river, popped in to one of the walking group’s friend’s house for tea, snack and a garden wander before walking to the katakuri area in a nature reserve area. Finally, we followed a trail up on to the hill where there was a distant view of Japan’s second highest volcano Mt. Ontake. We followed Kevin and daughter back to the spa for a hot bath, while the rest of the group carried on the trail to take the train back from a different station.
I’ve had a katakuri in my garden for several years but it doesn’t get much larger and seems to be self-sterile (pictures of my plants can be seen in the gallery on this page:
First a gallery of pictures of the katakuri woods followed by 4 videos! This is followed by two more galleries of pictures from this wonderful day! Enjoy…
Google image of the area; the spa is top right, the katakuri area low down near the river
Sweet shop near the station
A sweet inspired by katakuri! It would probably have been made with starch from the bulb, but nowadays from potato starch!
..and now 4 videos of the katakuri area:
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Next, an album of pictures taken on the way from the station to the market and spa and lunch at a Japanese house.
Familiar edible weeds
A purple Sonchus asper (I presume
Shepherd’s Purse / nazuna (Capsella) is a popular foraged weed
Mona’s book showed how to make a plaything with this!
Rumex spp.
Probably Allium chinense, Rakkyo
Mustard greens
Houttuynia cordata, a plant we found everywhere and in many different habitats from streams to very dry soil under conifers
Onions everywhere!
Ramie? Boehmeria nivea in a garden
Cornus officinalis? in a garden
Primula sieboldii in a garden…selected as an ornamental for several centuries in Japan, the Japanese primrose also has edible flowers, see the next picture
A Japanese flowery salad using various Primula, including Primula sieboldii (From
Primula sieboldii in my own garden in Malvik
Orychophragmus violaceus in a garden; see
Rakkyo, Allium chinense on the market
Long-stemmed blanched Allium fistulosum
Bamboo shoots
Soursop? (Annona muricata)
Soursop? (Annona muricata)
Rakkyo, Allium chinense
King of the Rakkyo growers??
Chives, Allium schoenoprasum…such places would be rounduped here….
Visit for tea and a snack at a participant’s friend’s house
The garden!
Vegetable garden and more onions!
…and a little clump of katakuri in the garden was our first glimpse of these beauties!
…and finally a gallery of pictures of other plants including a number of edibles on the walk up to the viewpoint with the walking group!
Corydalis ambigua, a spring flowering woodlander that is used as a green vegetable in Japan, see, for example,
Corydalis tempura from
Taraxacum leaf diversity
Acer…maples emerging
Chamaele decumbens is a low growing Japanese endemic growing in woodlands; it seems to be sometimes eaten
A fern…
One of the long-leaved violets
Kevin Cameron
Map of the area
Viewpoint towards Mt. Ontake 御嶽山 60 km away and is the second highest volcano in Japan (after Mount Fuji) at 3,067 m
Mt. Ontake
The walking group at the lunch stop
Mt. Ontake
Dried fruit?? What was this Kevin Cameron?
Lunch courtesy of Kevin1
Looking down on the city and the spa
Kevin Cameron and Mona
Pieris japonica
Viola spp.
Aucuba japonica
Onions, probably Allium grayi?
Allium grayi?
Masses of onions
Hemerocallis spp., day lily, edible leaves…
My first wild Japanese Aralia elata, taranome, the young shoots of which were available in all supermarkets!
Aralia elata, taranome
Aralia elata, taranome, almost ready to pick!
Helionopsis orientalis is in the Melanthiaceae, alongside Veratrum, Trillium and Paris!!
Helionopsis orientalis
Eurya japonica
Camellia japonica
Camellia japonica
Yomogi, Artemisia spp., an important flavouring in Japan, added after cooking to glutinous rice dumplings known as mochi to which they give a pleasant colour, aroma and flavour (see the next two pictures). Kevin gathered and sold the leaves!
Mochi on the market in Kyoto
Another variant of mochi with a red bean filling on the market in Kyoto
A few pictures of seed I cleaned and packed for trading, offering to Norwegian Seed Savers and using in the kitchen today!
131116: Added a few more that I was sorting today!
151116:…and a few more today
161216:…and a few more today
Udo, Aralia cordata
Iranian golpar (Heracleum) to be used as a spice in the kitchen
Iranian golpar (Heracleum)
Iranian golpar (Heracleum)
Iranian golpar (Heracleum)
This is a vigorous Angelica that I received as Angelica atropurpurea, but I’m not sure that is the right ID. Whatever, I sometimes use it ground as a spice in cooking!
Angelica atropurpurea
Angelica atropurpurea
The seed pods of some forms of Allium wallichii (Sherpa onion) are inky, like this one, from Nepal, harvested today
I pulled these clusters of Aralia elata seeds down from my oldest tree today! (Devil’s Walking Stick, Norw: Fandens spaserst\okk; Jap: tara-no-ki; Kor: dureup namu
Rumex acetosa “Russian Giant” (sorrel / engsyre)
Rumex acetosa “Russian Giant” (sorrel / engsyre)
Coriander “Confetti” / koriander
Tradescantia ohiensis
Caucalis (small bur parsley / klengekjeks)
Sonchus oleraceus “Giant from Oregon” (thanks, Pamela Melcher :)
Buckwheat / bokhvete
Ligularia fischeri – I have PLENTY of seed of this one!!
Aralia elata
Elsholtzia ciliata, Vietnamese Balm…love the smell of these!
Elsholtzia ciliata, Vietnamese Balm…love the smell of these!
Rubus occidentalis “Black Hawk”, Black raspberry…plenty of seed this year…will clean better if anyone is interested in them..
Tigridia pavoniana….could have the tastiest bulbs in the world!
Tigridia pavoniana…..for more, see
Seed from an accession of Hablitzia tamnoides from Tampere in Finland!
The first time I’ve managed to grow Perilla to seed (pot grown and brought inside to mature). I hadn’t noticed before but they have a fine netting around them..
My forest garden continues to be super-productive, my udo is on its way back to the soil and is preparing for next year as are my three devil’s walking sticks, Aralia elata as well as Aralia racemosa and A. californica.
There are a lot of apples to start drying soon!
Udo (Aralia cordata) collapses early autumn under its own weight….
Ostrich fern, udo, apples and devil’s walking stick (Aralia elata)
Aralia racemosa (I think) is growing next to my udo and is now quite big, with ostrich fern growing underneath it!
Aralia racemosa fruiting heads…
Aralia racemosa fruiting leaves…
Aralia elata from Honshu in Japan is the youngest of 3 trees
Aralia elata (devil’s walking stick) is in fruit for the first time here
Apples galore…producing large amounts of fruit every year without any fertiliser, growing next to it, also produces well every year on zero fuel!
An album of pictures from my short Perennialen II visit with Eirik Lillebøe Wiken and Hege Iren Svendsen at and around Alvastien Telste in Hardanger. Impressive nature, good beer and fruit, good company and just relaxing this time! It poured with rain on the morning that we’d planned to look properly around the Forest Garden, so that will have to wait for next year! Watch this space for the announcement of the next Perennialen event at this wonderful place, now a Permaculture LAND centre, next summer!! Hope to see you there!
Returning to nature
This climber had broken into the house, but it looks like someone has pruned the outside growth away from the window!
Steinstø “Fruit and cake shop” :) had a good selection of varieties of locally grown fruit!
Ramsons puree!
The road to Hege and Eirik’s LAND centre
The road to Hege and Eirik’s LAND centre
Eirik in the local beer drinking costume ;)
Bedroom view :)
Record rainfall recently and the waterfalls are full…there’s a minihydro scheme up there!
Old walls/terassing are protected
Stunning engineering, pylons way up on the mountainside…
Aralia elata (Devil’s walking stick / fandens spaserstokk) flowering in a local garden, one of the 80 in my book!
Aralia elata (Devil’s walking stick / fandens spaserstokk) flowering in a local garden, one of the 80 in my book!
Alvastien Telste
The forest garden…sadly, it was pouring with rain the next morning, so I didn’t get a proper chance to look around the garden!
The forest garden…sadly, it was pouring with rain the next morning, so I didn’t get a proper chance to look around the garden!
Juniper growing out of a rock!
Alvastien Telste from the other side of the fjord. Eirik and Hege own a wide strip of land up to and to the right of the waterfall near the top…must do the walk up to the mountain cabin next time!
Alvastien Telste
House on the rock!!
On the way to my next stop at Stussvik, where I’d been invited to spend the night with local organic guru Vidar-Rune Synnevåg and his wife, we stopped at Skarsvatnet Goldfish Lake!
Skarsvatnet is home to a number of introduced species including Golden Orfe, Crucian Carp, Eel and Three-spined stickleback…
Mallard with carp
Flowering Japanese knotweed, one of the 80 in my book!
Despite the cool weather, the leaf shoots (taranome) of the small tree Aralia elata (taranoki) are emerging…but I can’t reach them any more….I should cut it down so that young shoots come from the base. These shoots are a common sight in supermarkets in Japan. More in my book Around the World in 80 plants :)
Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden