Disturbing the peace!

Craning their heads?

I heard cranes calling from the fields at Kvegjerdet as I started off into the woods, so went to have a look! They hear my phone at the end and turn (crane) their heads!

Another afternoon in the forest!

More work 
There were again large numbers of perfect Lactarius deterrimus (granmatriske / false saffron milkcap or orange milkcap), which is a mycorrhizal fungus that associates with Norway spruce (gran). I think this is the tastiest of all fungi along with its brother Lactarius deliciosus!! I was surprised to learn on its English wiki page that its taste is often bitter, and it is not highly valued (see its taste is often bitter, and it is not highly valued). Really?
Also picked more porcini  (steinsopp/cep) and a little Albatrellus ovinus (fåresopp)

Siskin on the yellow melancholy thistle

A small sacrifice (in extra weeding) is to let thistles set seed…I can then watch siskins (grønnsisik) feeding only a few metres away! Here on Cirsium erisithales (yellow melancholy thistle)