This week I gave a couple of talks for the first time on the subject of “Perennials: Attractive and climate friendly city vegetables” ….covering everywhere from roof gardens to shady backyards to city farms, including Slottsparken – the park around the Royal Palace in Oslo which is in reality a productive forest garden ;) (full of Hosta and ostrich fern / strutseving)!
3 hour course for Bybondelagon 1st November 2017 (the Norwegian City Agrarian Society)
Short 35 minute talk as part of the “Grønn Helse i Byen” (Green health in the city) symposium arranged by Det Norske Vitenskaps Akademiet (the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters!)
Excellent and enthusiastic talk by city farmer Andreas Capjon from the Losæter farm in the centre of Oslo at the Green health in the city symposium.
Perennial vegetables, Edimentals (plants that are edible and ornamental) and other goings on in The Edible Garden