On the second day, we started with the second part of my talk and then had a walk on the beach at the Ytre Hvaler National Park looking for edibles. Randy Gunnar Lange works here and talked a little about the park.
Introduction by Randy Gunnar Lange… a species of sand wasp was active in the sand below our feet!
The course participants…a wonderful diverse group!
It was a bit early for most of the spring edibles such as sea kale (strandkål), but we did see a few young shoots of strandarve / sea sandwort (Honckenya) and sea aster (strandstjerne), young seedlings of Atriplex (strandmelde / beach orach), Rumex crispa and silverweed (gåsemure)
Randy shows us a speciality of the park, Strandmaurløve / ant-lion (Myrmeleon bore), a threatened species in Norway See https://www.artsdatabanken.no/Pages/223124
Randy found an ant-lion in the first depression in the sand he checked…it waits in the depression in the sand for an ant or other insect to fall in
…og tusen takk til Mariann Bekkevold Hovda who baked a sugar-free birthday cake for me <3
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