Redpoll and that wren again

A redpoll (gråsisik) next to the front door…and once again Mr. Wren turns up (calls in the background) ;)

Thrush migration

Incredible Edimentals

I was invited to the opening of a new edimental bed at Incredible Edible Todmorden (West Yorkshire) in September, but sadly couldn’t make it :( It was designed by a landscape gardener from Harrogate as part of her university degree course! The task was to make a totally edimental bed!!
See the first two videos:
See my album of pictures from my visit in May 2015
…and more about the visit here:

Nervous Onions or Magic Wren?

I certainly didn’t think I would make a blog post with this name  today!  This is possibly my strangest post ever….
To explain, I was cleaning and packing seed in the garden today (a beautiful sunny day here) and I noticed that the seed of an Allium I’d just cleaned seemed a bit “nervous” or jumpy, jumping as soon as I touched them! They don’t have an English name,  they are simply Allium ovalifolium var leucoNERVUM….. I decided to film this strange phenomenon (see the video below)…..and at about 1 minute my friend the wren decided he wanted to be part of the action and starts  to call  next to me (see also yesterday’s wren film)…and then at the end my neighbour can be heard calling me, unaware of the drama going on….wanting to know if I wanted some hen (not wren) manure…..let me know what you think?


Malvik walk

Yesterday I had a walk in the steep north facing woods east of Malvikbakk only 5 minutes by bike from home. I’d found a lot of edible fungi here on my last visit a month ago when we had a mini-drought (north slopes dry up last). It’s still very dry in the fungisphere despite recent rains and there’s not much winter chanterelle (traktkantarell) in the woods… No luck this time, but good to be in the woods for 2-3 hours….

2017 seed saving

Starting a new album of seed cleaned and packed  for 2017
See also a large album from 2014-2017 on Facebook:
31017: Added 45 more pictures!

051117: Added 5 more

081117: Added 7 more

101117: 24 more varieties added

181117: Added 4 more

201117:  8 more added

101217: 3  added

Elderberries are ripe

Sambucus nigra “Samyl” is a new Danish variety of elderberry / svarthyll. It is very productive, the earliest elderberry I’ve grown (they are marginal here), hardy and it has large berries and large umbels of flowers…
I’ll be offering hardwood cuttings to members of Norwegian Seed Savers (Kvann) this winter (to be a member go to and click on “Bli medlem”!
See  also earlier posts on my web site here:
